Aedon Durreah

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    General Info

    Trade Skills:


    Character Skills:

    As a captain of the Freepeople, Aedon is well skilled with great-sword and Halberd.

    Keys and Attunments:


    Character Bio:

    Aedon is the son of one of the many farmers residing on the outskirts of Bree. At a young age, Aedon was apprenticed to a local blacksmith. while working for him developed a love for the many swords he helped to craft. After crafting an elegant blade for a local member of the army of the Freepeople, Aedon was given lessons in swordsmanship in appreciation for a job well done.

    After a band of brigands robbed and slew the Smith he was working for, Aedon joined the ranks of the military in the hope that he could help to safeguard the lives of the peaceful folks of Breeland.
    No FB Yes FB Hand (smaller) Lap 40.063em Desk 64.063em Wall 90.063em