Aedon DurreahLMB Officer Weatherstock X
Joined: 26 Sep 2007 Posts: 178
re: WCS Time Slots!
by Aedon Durreah on Mon Jun 24, 2019 10:16 pm
Okay, here are the slots for the
Weatherstock XI concert series.
Which will take place on the Festival Grounds Stage in Breeland
Saturday July 13th
1:00pm Sat--Bards of Valinor
1:30pm Sat--The HOPE
2:00pm Sat--The ARDA
2:30pm Sat--Les Menestrelles du Soir
3:00pm Sat--Notenzauber
3:30pm Sat--Little to No Drama
4:00pm Sat--House of the Harp
4:30pm Sat--Hearth and Table
5:00pm Sat--Runic Knights Orchestra
5:30pm Sat--The Gallic Frogs Band
6:00pm Sat--da Bugans
6:30pm Sat--The Greenstones
7:00pm Sat--No Whole Bard
7:30pm Sat--DisEnchanted
Sunday July 14th
1:00pm Sun -- Purple Pipeweed Parlor Band
1:30pm Sun -- Department of Harmony and Song
2:00pm Sun -- Mondbarden
2:30pm Sun -- Les Gardiens
3:00pm Sun -- The Andune Ensemble
3:30pm Sun -- Gallic Villagers
4:00pm Sun -- Stoors
4:30pm Sun -- The Fluffy Unicorns
5:00pm Sun -- The Teedee's
5:30pm Sun -- Lindamar
6:00pm Sun -- The Grayhawke Band
6:30pm Sun -- Mardi Gras Party Band