Aedon DurreahLMB Officer Weatherstock X
Joined: 26 Sep 2007 Posts: 178
re: Weatherstock XI is coming!!
by Aedon Durreah on Tue May 21, 2019 11:19 am
Greetings Friends, it is my pleasure to announce the days for Weatherstock XI and the Weatherstock Concert Series. As in the past, Weatherstock itself will be on the 3rd Saturday in July making it the 20th. In the past, the WCS had been held over the two weekends before Weatherstock. But this year, we will be holding it in the weekend of the 13th of July.
Also, of special note, there will be no competition this year, but instead a celebration of the fine bands and Music that Lotro has to offer. Registration should be open in the next few days, watch for announcements here or in game.
See you at the Summit
ByrchaLMB Officer Weatherstock X
Joined: 10 Jan 2012 Posts: 72
re: Weatherstock XI is coming!!
by Byrcha on Thu May 23, 2019 11:35 am
The current plan is for the Weatherstock Concert Series to be held on July 13-14 and Weatherstock itself to be held on July 20th. However, since we do not yet know how many bands will sign up, the days/times and lengths of sets are still subject to change. We may need to add a second day on the summit (Sunday July 21) and/or reduce days for the WCS. So ... please fill out the application as completely as possible and check back for updates.
- main: Byrcha (pronounced: BUR-ka), Hobbit treasure-hunter
- Landroval alts: Braxwald, Brenthiel, & Hathellaith (LMB); Belyndil (Ales and Tales); Yahr (Lonely Mountain Brewery); Byrkhild, Byrchette, & Byrchetta (Secret Pie Vault); Byrwing (Sisters of the Moon); Byraen; Byrwen (Ithil refugee).
re: Weatherstock XI is coming!!
by Harnuth on Fri May 24, 2019 8:44 pm
I had to search for it, so... To get to the link to the application form, go to the forum Home page and then see the link in the upper right corner of the screen.
_________________ Landroval: Harnuth, Pondofast, Giblorn, Zagaradun, Eoharulf (Hearth and Table Band Leader), Gibaldor (bass player)
"Alas for peaceful folk everywhere. It is an enormous task to convince them that evil people with evil intentions will commit evil deeds." --Aragorn
Joined: 20 Sep 2016 Posts:
re: Shire Tramps
by Miamo on Sun Jun 02, 2019 3:29 am
::: BAND LEADERS ::: Apply on behalf of your band. Approval of your application DOES NOT guarantee a slot at Weatherstock. See Band Selection info below. Note: LMB Officers cannot lead a competition band.
::: BAND MEMBERS ::: Apply here to keep up on Weatherstock developments on this forum. Note: LMB members can perform in a competition band on a non-kin alt. (Please put N/A as the answer to the band leader questions.)
::: EVENT STAFF ::: Identify what team you'd like to help with and to gain access the forums. (Please put N/A as the answer to the band questions.)
Forum Membership: What is your role in Weatherstock?:
Band Leader
Weatherstock Band Application Section: Only Band Leaders should fill this out. If you are event staff or a band member mark N/A as needed. <br>Please Read The Entire Section.
::: Band Registration Dates ::: Band Registration opens Soon(tm) and closes sometime in June (TBA). Happy
Band Leaders and Band Members: 4
Band Leaders: Please give us some details so that we can promote your performance! Does your band perform regularly? Have you performed at Weatherstock before? Please supply details here.:
We perform on regular bases :
we never performed on Weatherstock before
::: Weatherstock Concert Series (WCS) Info :::
The Weatherstock Concert Series is a set of concerts put on during the weeks leading up to Weatherstock. These are 30- 45- or 60-minute concerts held at Bree Festival Grounds.
Playing in the Weatherstock Concert Series is currently *NOT* required for 2019. This is an opportunity for bands to further showcase their talents.
Each band will be responsible for checking this site regularly for news and updates. Bandleaders agree to log-in on Landroval weekly to check in-game mail prior to the event.
::: Weatherstock Summit Selection :::
We will attempt to schedule all bands on the summit on Saturday July 20. If we have too many bands to accommodate on Saturday, we may include sets on Sunday July 21.
The number of slots for the summit event are TBA. Sets will likely be 15-minutes each at the summit, but this is TBA.
Bands can play in the WCS, at the Summit only, or in both venues.
Home Server:
Main Character on home server:
Band Leader: Please list a time/place/server that you regularly perform a show, if applicable.:
Fridays on Crickhollow -Bread and Jam Sundays on Belegaer ( at the Pony Jam ) Mondays on Laurelin - Dwarfs Night Out and any other MOnday A & T on Landroval
Band Leader: Website (if any).: