Aedon DurreahLMB Officer Weatherstock X
Joined: 26 Sep 2007 Posts: 178
re: Weatherstock Wrap-up
by Aedon Durreah on Mon Sep 14, 2020 1:55 pm
First of all, thank you to all who worked hard to make Weatherstock 12 a success. From our Lady of the Hat Byrcha with her exceptional intros, to the Tinkis, Security and Crafters. Malphos, keeper of time and order- the many who live streamed the event, our bands, and of course, all who made the trek to the summit to enjoy a day of music.
Phoenix, Elda and Wayward Plane Streamers all. We see the finished product you put up, but few see the work that goes on behind the scene polishing the videos that we enjoy watching over and over.
I received many messages of congratulations and thanks for holding Weatherstock, and to each I thanked them and let them know that Weatherstock is not only Kinship effort by LMB, but a community project as well. And time and again through the years the Lotro Music community has stepped forth, and provided the MAXIIMUM MUSIC that has been the hallmark of Weatherstock.
One last note of thanks.
To Cordovan and the folks at Standing Stone Games. Your continued support of the music community places you in high regard among those of us who value the gift of song. From the titles you provide to steps taken to assure that the show remains a peaceful spot for music.
So, thank you one and all. The bands have now returned to their spots in Bree and venues on other servers across the lands. The music goes on day by day, and we all turn our faces towards January, and the return of Winterstock,
Joined: 10 Oct 2009 Posts:
re: Weatherstock Wrap-up
by Rhake on Tue Sep 15, 2020 2:01 pm
Well met Aedon!
P.I.E. had a great time, and the Tinkis made sure myself and the Lasses never wanted for food or drink!
Looking forward to Winterstock!
Rock on!
~Rhunt and the Lasses of P.I.E.
This Space For Rent