Aedon DurreahLMB Officer Weatherstock X
Joined: 26 Sep 2007 Posts: 178
re: To all of you
by Aedon Durreah on Sat Jul 21, 2018 6:21 pm
To all who played, worked on or attended Weatherstock X, my sincere thanks. Here's to another successful day of music that rocked the Lone Lands.
FloradineEvent Staff Weatherstock X
Joined: 14 Dec 2011 Posts: 342
re: To all of you
by Floradine on Sun Jul 22, 2018 6:31 am
Aedon, honestly, you have done a stellar job with organizing the whole thing this year, it was very impressive to see.
But this also goes out to everyone else who has helped to get this heavy cargo flight off the ground. Great job as always and I enjoyed it very much to see everyone be this helpful.
ByrchaLMB Officer Weatherstock X
Joined: 10 Jan 2012 Posts: 72
re: To all of you
by Byrcha on Sun Jul 22, 2018 10:02 am
I'll echo all of the above! It was another wonderful day of music in LOTRO! Thank you again to all of the bands who rocked with us, to all of the LMBers who contributed valuable time to the effort (including the officers who helped herd all the cats in the right directions), and to the music community that shared the day with us. I was honored to be hostess once again, and remain humbled to share Middle Earth with such an excellent and admirable community.
- main: Byrcha (pronounced: BUR-ka), Hobbit treasure-hunter
- Landroval alts: Braxwald, Brenthiel, & Hathellaith (LMB); Belyndil (Ales and Tales); Yahr (Lonely Mountain Brewery); Byrkhild, Byrchette, & Byrchetta (Secret Pie Vault); Byrwing (Sisters of the Moon); Byraen; Byrwen (Ithil refugee).
re: To all of you
by Meriafast on Mon Jul 23, 2018 11:51 am
As i said at the summit, i'll repeat it here: it was an honor to be part of all that
re: Echo of gratitude
by DurgilAnnestel on Mon Jul 23, 2018 1:22 pm
The amount of thoughtful preparation and lessons of experience that contributed to WSX going as well as it did was obvious, as it worked very well on many different levels.
I got to share it with some new friends and family this time too, which made it extra special for me.
Appreciation and best wishes to all, see you again soon with notes floating over our heads
Durgil and friends
_________________ "Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens." --Gimli