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Author Message
Aedon Durreah
PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 11:59 am    Post subject: To All Weatherstock Bands, Workers and Attendees.

To Weatherstock 12 Bands, Attendees and workers.
This year marks the end of the iconic Weatherstock titles. And while we do have some to pass out this year, we ask that you do not ask for the title if you already have it. Band Leaders, please only submit names of player characters who are present on the summit. This will give a chance first to assure that all who earn the title this year, receives it.
On behalf of the bands, attendees, workers and the Lonely Mountain Band, I wish to thank Standing Stone Games for their support for this event through the years. A special call out to Cordovan and Sapience for being a pleasure to work with.
Weatherstock will continue for as long as we are able to hold the event welcoming bands from all servers who wish to make the trek to the Summit of Weathertop, to make the hills ring with music. And we will as always continue to look for ways to make this event fun and memorable for all.
See you at the Summit
Aedon of The Lonely Mountain Band